
Friday, January 28, 2011

Sheer volume in the music business?

Photo by kampfkohlrabi

Is it just me or is good Music - not excellent, not unique, just good - almost an impossible thing to find these days?

New artists & producers are all over the place, but everything I stumble upon is either auto-tuned or digitalized. & most of them have this annoying chorus & noisy beats.

Oh, & the lyrics! Are they out of msgs to carry to people, or do people prefer it shallow nowadays?

I don't mean to generalize, as there are good new musicians out there, but the thing is they are FEW & far between være langt imellem.

I don't mean to whine about this, but I truly wish I can find something that keeps me interested for more than a couple of weeks (if it's not less) ..!

Monday, January 24, 2011

15 things that I dislike!

As I didn't plan anything specific to spend my holidays on, I keep on waking up early in the morning with nothing but the complete feeling of boredom & dullness, especially that everyone are either sleeping or on their way out to work.
I guess being spontaneous doesn't work all the time ><"

Anyway.. To overcome my boredom I decided to share 15 things that I hate dislike the most:

1)      I dislike waking up feeling heavy & so not bothered to move for an inch.
2)      I dislike it when I can’t find an item I need badly, knowing it was always right in front of me when I didn’t need it.
3)      I dislike mosquitoes.
4)      I dislike the fact that I’m an emotional person.
5)      I dislike people who decide that they are not capable of doing something, without making an effort or trying hard.
6)      I dislike having a bad-hair day.
7)      I dislike it when I’m out of red nail polish.
8)      I dislike being out of credit, even for an hour!
9)      I dislike being late on someone, especially if the reason is that my ride was late on me.
10)   I dislike Oman’s hot weather. Sadly I didn’t get used to it. Not after 18 years!
11)   I dislike having an annoying song stuck in my head.
12)   I dislike it when I’m feeling distant from my beloved ones.
13)   I dislike hurting anyone, even unintentionally.
14)   I dislike plastic girls.
15)   I dislike how short winter is in Oman.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time out.

Here I am .. Finally done with my first semester exams & having a whole month for holidays.

So far the past two days were one of the most beautiful days ever! Rainy days & cool nights that I spent on doing nothing but relaxing & having a good time on my own.. Which was truly what I needed as not so long ago I was down in the dumps.

.. Hopefully, you will be seeing a bit more from me soon ;]

Goodnight bloggers xx

Sunday, January 16, 2011

(Nice & Short)

When felicity and serenity come together ..
This video was created as the opening sequence for the German shortfilm competition Kurzundschön (Short & Nice).
